interpretation and its principles and foundation in public law


علی بابایی مهر

دانشجوی دکتری حقوق عمومی و عضو هیأت علمی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی چالوس


it is expected that the legislator should pass only clear and unambiguous laws. although the legislators do their best at codification and approving the laws, there would be some ambiguities while executing them and therefore they require some interpretation.interpretation of laws is a very difficult task and it requires a systematic and logic method and the judges and lawyers should not interpret them arbitrary. therefore, an idea has come out that a law should be passed to provide the principles and rules of interpretation, but it has its own difficulties. in this article we discussed for the view that lawyers themselves should interpret the laws with a logic reasoning by employing principles and foundations of interpretations.

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